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Linear polarzied UHF RFID antenna vs Circular polarized UHF RFID antenna

Linear and circular polarization are two different polarization methods for UHF RFID antennas, and they have distinct characteristics and applications:UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

Different polarizationUPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

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Linear Polarized UHF RFID AntennaUPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

- Polarization: Linearly polarized antennas have an electric field that oscillates in a single plane, either horizontally or vertically.UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

- Orientation Sensitivity: These antennas are sensitive to the orientation of the tag relative to the antenna. Misalignment can lead to reduced read range or reliability.UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

- Applications: Commonly used in applications where the orientation of the tags is known and can be controlled, such as ETC, parking lot or Smart file cabinetUPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

- Advantages: normally linear polarized antenna has narrow 3dbm band, therefore it has better orientation, which could prevent illegal reading of other lanes tags, therefore much suitable for ETC field. Beside, Most of the UHF RFID tags are linear polarized, which means if using linear polarized antenna, there is  no signal loss compared to circular polarized antenna, see below polarization loss coefficient chart,

Transmitting Antenna Polarization Receiving Antenna Polarization Polarization Loss Coefficient (K)
Vertical Vertical 1
Horizontal Horizontal 1
Vertical Horizontal 0
Horizontal Vertical 0
Vertical or Horizontal Circular 1/2
Left-hand Circular Right-hand Circular 1
Right-hand Circular Left-hand Circular 1
Left-hand Circular Left-hand Circular 0
Right-hand Circular Right-hand Circular 0
UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

 UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

Circular Polarized UHF RFID Antenna:UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

- Polarization: Circularly polarized antennas have an electric field that rotates in a circular path, which can be either left-hand or right-hand circular polarization.UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

- Orientation Insensitivity: These antennas are less sensitive to the tag's orientation, which can be beneficial in environments where tags may be oriented in various directions.UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

- Applications: Often used in applications where the tag orientation is unpredictable, such as handheld readers or in environments with items that are rotated or moved frequently, typical application: logistics, asset tracking and management, retail.UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

Advantages: They can reduce signal degradation due to polarization mismatch and are less affected by multipath effects, which can improve read reliability.UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

 UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

The choice between linear and circular polarization for UHF RFID antennas depends on the specific requirements of the application, including the need for orientation flexibility and the expected environment where tags will be read. Circular polarization can offer advantages in dynamic environments or where tags may be oriented in various ways, while linear polarization may be sufficient for more controlled environmentsUPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

 UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

GEE-UA-900 Circular polarized antennaUPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

GEE-UA-1200 Linear polarized antennaUPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

UPqGEENFC: A Global RFID tag, NFC tag, RFID Solution Provider

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