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How to choose a UHF RFID reader?

There are multiple types of readers; Fixed RFID, portable rfid readers, rfid readers for Smartphone and USB readers. To read a high density of tags or requirements of 100% accuracy in detection, we have to take into account several factors:
Reading area: Fixed readers serve mainly to cover a specific area: one point by a doorway, a machine, on a conveyor belt, in a crate, etc. Mobile readers allow us to read while we move and to perform inventories or search for RFID tags that we do not see.
Ratio of reading: the emission power and reading capacity requirements are determined by the number of tags to detect in a specific time. The most complex applications are those where there is a high density of tags, liquids or metal products. The maximum reading power is marked by the regulation allowed in each country or zone according to the type of frequency (ETSI, FCC).
Method of Communication: Typically are following types
• RS-232/ RS485
• Ethernet RJ45/ WIFI/ 3G/ 4G/ 5G
• USB cable
• WG26/34
Using an RFID system over a network may also help to reduce overall system costs if you have a multiple reader set-up as you won’t require a host computer for each reader.
The type of rfid reader: many times the question is whether to use a fixed reader or a portable reader. This factor depends on the application. For example, if we are in a store or warehouse where we need to make inventories and movements, it is convenient to use a portable terminal. If the reading area is fixed, it is convenient to install a reader that covers the area and leave the task automated. For example to detect pallets or products in shipping areas.
USB Readers: These readers give excellent results when we need to record or read very few tags at different points during the manufacturing processes or for validation of documents in offices. Two clear examples are the Nordic Stix and the ThingMagic USB Reader.

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